Ready to feel balanced in faith, family & fun?

The truth is the more balanced you feel, the more at peace and joyful you will be.

If you're struggling to know where to begin, our balance checklist is the perfect first step! It will show you how to:

  • Establish better habits
  • Create a solid daily and weekly routine
  • Start streamlining your faith and home life
  • Feel more calm and at peace

Best of all? It's completely free - our gift to you!

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Hi! I'm Amber. I started Auburn Raven to help frazzled and overwhelmed moms feel more balanced.

Life can be so challenging and add a kid or more and it gets really interesting. If you are looking for ways to get back in balance with your faith life, your mom life and your fun life then you have come to the right place. This checklist is just the start to a wonderful journey toward peace and balance.

Learn Strategies to Balance Faith, Family & Fun

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